Cancellation and Refund Conditions

You can view each operator’s policy in the “Good to Know” section of the Tour Detail Page when researching an adventure, on the checkout page when you’re making your booking, and on your Booking Conversation Page (where you can communicate with the operator) after you’ve made your booking.

Follow the link below to find out how to cancel your tour or read our FAQ further down this page.

Flexible booking options
At Virtara Travel, we want travelers to book with confidence, which is why we encourage operators to offer flexible booking options via our Peace of Mind program that allows you to:
-We know that plans can change, which is why many of our operators allow you to choose a different departure date
-If your new departure dates and/or the tour no longer work for you, some operators will let you book an alternative tour 
-Can’t pick new dates and a new tour at the time of cancellation? Some operators offer credit towards a future trip

Where can I check what my flexible booking options are?
To check if the operator you’re looking to book with offers flexible booking options, look for the “Your Peace of Mind Options” section on the Tour Detail Page (just below the “What’s Included” section).